Sometimes it is necessary to update the car to keep up with the newest software features, changes and bugfixes. The car can either be updated from source code or using debian packages (Odroid XU only).
Compiling from source
We can also compile from source on the car directly but keep in mind that a full compilation will take quite some time and will keep the car busy.
cd /opt/autominy/catkin_ws
git pull
catkin build
sudo reboot
Updating from debian package (Odroid XU4 only)
Download the most recent debian package from our FTP server. Copy the debian package to the car using scp:
scp autominy-basic-packages.deb root@192.168.43.<CAR_NUMBER>:.
On the car install the debian package using gdebi which will resolve and install any needed dependencies automatically. Installing the package will override any changes done in /opt/autominy
gdebi --n autominy-basic-packages.deb
Creating a debian package (Odroid XU4 only)
The debian packages can be created inside a docker environment. Install Docker CE by following the installation guide. Since we are building for armv7 we need qemu-armv7 for emulation:
sudo apt install qemu qemu-user-static qemu-user binfmt-support qemu-system-arm
Clone our debian packaging docker repository and start building the docker image:
git clone https://github.com/autominy/debian-packaging
cd debian-packaging
docker build .
Afterwards you can use the docker container to create a debian package:
docker run -it autominy bash
Compilation takes quite a while (10 - 20 minutes) since we are emulating an arm processor using qemu. Once compilation is done autominy-basic-packages.deb
can be copied from the docker container:
docker ps # find your container ID
sudo docker cp <CONTAINER_ID>:/opt/debian-packaging/autominy-basic-packages.deb .