Road Marking Localization


The road marking localization node uses ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm to align road markings seen by the camera to a given map. Given an initial position estimate it calculates the correction for the car’s current position. We assume that road markings are white. We find the road markings by thresholding the camera’s infrared image. For each white pixel we then find the corresponding point (x, y, z) in the pointcloud. We then project the points into the map frame using the current estimated position. Next, we apply a box filter onto the point cloud to cut off any points that are too far away (due to noise) or are not near the ground plane (z = 0). In the next step we randomly select a low amount of points out of the previous filtered point cloud. Random sampling cuts down the point cloud size significantly while still keeping the overall structure of the road markings intact.

The predefined map is taken from an occupancy grid that is being broadcast by the map_publisher node through ROS. The map exists as an image file on the car and represents the ground plane. The white pixels inside the map are converted into a pointcloud also known as the reference point cloud.

Now that we have both the current road markings seen by the camera (projected into the map frame at the current proposed position) and also the reference pointcloud we can use ICP to calculate the transformation matrix between both pointclouds that aligns them. ICP works by creating a kd-tree for the reference point cloud. kd-trees offer a cheap nearest neighbour lookup with computation cost of O(log(n)). The kd-tree is only constructed once because our reference map point cloud does not change over time. Now, for every point in the proposed point cloud we find the nearest neighbour in the reference frame and get the squared distance between them. The sum of all distances is the cost of the current transform and the goal is to minimize this cost. We apply a Levenberg-Marquardt optimization to minimize this cost using a transformation. For the translation we only allow changes in the 2D space which is a translation of x and y and a rotation around the z-axis.

Alignment during road marking localization
Road marking localization alignment


Configuration of the road marking localization package is done through rqt dynamic reconfigure. It offers the following settings.

Name Default Information
blur_kernel_size 1 Kernel size for gaussian blur in infrared image before thresholding
crop_top_pixels 0 Amount of pixels to crop from the top of the infrared image
x_box 2.0 Size of bounding box x around the car for cropping
y_box 2.0 Size of bounding box y around the car for cropping
minimum_z -0.02 Minimum height of points
maximum_z 0.02 Maximum height of points
threshold 160 Minimum amount of intensity for a pixel to be detected as road marking
icp_max_iterations 5 Number of iterations for the ICP algorithm
icp_RANSAC_outlier_rejection_threshold 0.0 RANSAC outlier rejection threshold
icp_RANSAC_iterations 0.0 Number of RANSAC iterations
icp_max_correspondence_distance 0.10 Maximum distance to a point of a map to be considered during alignment
icp_sample_size 750 Random sampling size
minimum_points 250 Minimum number of points needed for alignment
maximum_x_correction 0.3 Maximum amount of acceptable correction in x
maximum_y_correction 0.3 Maximum amount of acceptable correction in y
maximum_yaw_correction 0.5 Maximum amount of acceptable correction in yaw
debug True Publish debug topics like images and intermediate pointclouds


Topic Type Information
~map nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid Road marking map. A value > 0 means that there is a road marking.
~initialpose nav_msgs/PoseWithCovariance Initial position. Publishing on this topic resets the internal position.
~camera/infra1/image_rect_raw sensor_msgs/Image Infrared image
~camera/infra1/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Infrared camera parameters
~camera/depth/image_rect_raw sensor_msgs/Image Depth image
~camera/depth/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Depth image parameters


Topic Type Information
~corrected_odom nav_msgs/Odometry Result from road marking localization
~threshold sensor_msgs/Image Infrared image after thresholding
~raw_pcl sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Raw pointcloud from the thresholded pixels
~cropped_pcl sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Pointcloud after cropping too distant points
~random_sampled_pcl sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Pointcloud after random sampling
~aligned_pcl sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Pointcloud after alignment to map
~map_pcl sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Map converted from occupancy grid to map
~transformation_matrix std_msgs/Float64MultiArray Transformation matrix from alignment