
The car uses the IMU, steering angle and speed motor encoder ticks to roughly estimate how the car moved. The odometry uses the Ackermann Steering model. This estimation however is not very accurate as it is subject to slip and IMU drift. Therefore localization cannot rely on wheel odometry alone. Although wheel odometry has its downsides, it is available at a high rate and can thus be used to interpolate localization using a filter.


initial_x 0.0 Initial x coordinate
initial_y 0.0 Initial y coordinate
initial_yaw 0.0 Initial yaw
bicycle_model true Whether to use the bicycle model or fallback to simple model using IMU only
publish_tf false Publish transform from map -> base_link


Topic Type Information
~speed autominy_msgs/Speed Speed information
~steering autominy_msgs/Steering Steering angle, only used in bicycle model mode
~imu sensor_msgs/IMU IMU data. Uses the relative orientation from IMU


Topic Type Information
~odom nav_msgs/Odometry Calculated odometry