LiDAR pose estimation

The LiDAR pose estimation works by finding the two poles mounted in the rear of the car for the camera. The position of these two poles is fixed and known. The pose estimation collects data samples from multiple scans, clusters them and extracts the largest two ones. The resulting clusters are then checked for plausibilty and the LiDAR pose in 2D is calculated. Since the poles are black it is important to put some white tape to increase the visibility of the poles for the LiDAR.


Configuration of the lidar_pose_estimation package is done through rqt dynamic reconfigure. It offers the following settings:

Name Default Information
max_dist 0.25 Maximum distance of points to be used for clustering
execution_frequency 1.0 Execution frequency in seconds
cluster_tolerance 0.02 Cluster tolerance
min_cluster_size 10 Minimum amount of points needed in a cluster
max_cluster_size 100 Maximum amount of points needed in a cluster
max_reference_distance_deviation 0.01 Maximum distance deviation for clustering
roll 0.0 Constant roll
pitch 0.0 Constant pitch
z 0.07 Constant height
p_ref_1_x -0.02 Pole 1 x coordinate in car coordinate system
p_ref_1_y 0.0525 Pole 1 y coordinate in car coordinate system
p_ref_2_x -0.02 Pole 2 x coordinate in car coordinate system
p_ref_2_y 0.0525 Pole 2 y coordinate in car coordinate system


Topic Type Information
~scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan Laser scan from LiDAR


Topic Type Information
~poles sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Detected poles from pose estimation


From To Information
sensor_board lidar_base_link Transformation from sensor_board to lidar_base_link from pose estimation