Emergency Stop

The emergency stop module monitors obstacles that are in the driving direction and can stop the car if an crash is imminent. The module uses the LiDAR and checks if there are any obstacles too close. The module monitors the input to the actuators and in cases of an crash intercepts the communication with the actuators. In such a scenario the emergency stop module immediately stops the car and allows for no further movement.


Configuration of the emergency_stop package is done through rqt dynamic reconfigure. It offers the following settings.

Name Default Information
angle_front 0.7 Angle in front of the car to monitor
angle_back 0.7 Angle in back of the car to monitor
brake_distance 0.45 Constant brake distance
brake_distance_based_on_speed False Calculate brake distance based on speed
reverse_minimum_distance 0.28 Minimum distance of obstacles to be considered while reverse driving
forward_minimum_distance 0.07 Minimum distance of obstacles to be considered while forward driving
negative_acceleration 4.0 Acceleration used in speed based braking


Topic Type Information
~wanted_speed autominy_msgs/SpeedPWMCommand Speed command sent to actuator
~carstate/speed autominy_msgs/Speed Current car speed
~scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan Laser scan from LiDAR


Topic Type Information
~speed autominy_msgs/SpeedPWMCommand Requested speed if there are no obstacles or 0 in case of an emergency stop