
Serial protocol

We use a binary protocol for the communication between the Intel NUC and the Arduino Nano. The protocol uses COBS encoding for packet framing. Each packet consists of a flag indicating the message type and data. The data length is defined for each message type differently.

On the Arduino side the communication is being handled through the PacketSerial library and on the Intel NUC side through the ROS package arduino_communication. The communication is performed at 115200 baud.

Message types

We defined the following message types:

enum class MessageType :uint8_t {
Type Info
DEBUG Logging information with severity DEBUG. Will be broadcast as ROS_DEBUG in ROS
INFO Logging information with severity INFO. Will be broadcast as ROS_DEBUG in ROS
WARN Logging information with severity WARN. Will be broadcast as ROS_DEBUG in ROS
ERROR Logging information with severity ERROR. Will be broadcast as ROS_DEBUG in ROS
SPEED_CMD int16_t Value between -1000 and 1000 defining the PWM signal to send to the speed motor
STEERING_CMD uint16_t defining the PWM signal to send to the steering servo motor
LED_CMD char* LED command (turn left, turn right, etc.)
STEERING_ANGLE uint16_t Steering angle feedback between 0 and 1024
TICKS uint8_t Captured encoder ticks from the speed motor between one time interval of 0.01s
IMU uint8_t[23] MPU6050 data consisting of orientation, acceleration, and rotational velocity
VOLTAGE Averaged battery voltage from readings in the last 3 seconds.
HEARTBEAT Heartbeat command that must be send at least every 30ms else the motor will stop
IMU_CALIBRATION Perform MPU6050 calibration during this time no input will be handled and the car must be stable (takes > 5 minutes)

ROS Node

The ROS node arduino_communication manages the communication with the arduino. All of the above message types are mapped to subscribers and publishers in this node. The heartbeat is send to the Arduino at 100hz.


Topic Type Description
~voltage autominy_msgs/Voltage Battery voltage [V]
~ticks autominy_msgs/Ticks Number of ticks from speed motor in 0.01s
~steering_angle autominy_msgs/SteeringFeedback Steering angle feedback voltage from steering servo motor [V]
~imu sensor_msgs/IMU IMU data from MPU6050 (if enabled)
~imu/temperature sensor_msgs/Temperature IMU temperature from MPU6050 (if enabled)


Topic Type Description
~steering autominy_msgs/SteeringPWMCommand Steering motor command in PWM Signal duty
~speed autominy_msgs/SpeedPWMCommand Speed motor command in PWM Signal duty


Topic Type Description
~calibrate_imu std_msgs/Empty Calibrates the MPU6050 (if enabled). Takes ~5 minutes and the car must be stable during calibration.